Organizes Talk on Parenting by Renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Harish Shetty.
Eminent Psychiatrist and Mental Health Professional, Dr. Harish Shetty held an interactive session with the parents of AryaGlobal Group of Schools on Effective Parenting. Through his thought provoking and humorous content, Dr. Shetty spoke the language of new-age parents and addressed the concerns of the parents of today. Issues such as excessive screen time, unhealthy food habits, loneliness, nuclear families were touched upon.
Dr. Shetty spoke about the 3 Rs – Resilence, Relationship and Repair and how they must be involved in decision making. For parents he shared how one can be a firm parent and yet create a healthy environment at home. Also present at the event was Dr. Indurani Jakhar IAS, Commissioner and Administrator, KDMC,
The AryaGlobal group has a panel of inhouse councellors and take mental health very seriously. They regularly undertake many activities in school to ensure a positive school climate such as Project Humanitarian, Sewa and Value Education which help promote mental and emotional wellbeing, self-discovery, inclusive environment and create empathic individuals.
The Councellors of Arya Gurukul, Nandivali, Ambernath and St. Mary’s High School, Kalyan gave a brief insight into the role of the school in their students’ emotional and mental wellbeing and how the counselling process works at the school level. Each of them also shared case studies of students who they have counselled in the recent past.
The Sports Department also shared how they actively promote overall balance of health in a child through sports and also promote inclusiveness by opening avenues for the differently abled students.
Speaking about learning disabilities, Dr. Shetty said, “Learning disability is a question on the prevalent examination system and not the child.”
Dr. Indurani Jakar expressed how parents can benefit from such insightful talks as these are issues relevant to every parent and in every household.
The occasion of World Wellness Day is a reminder to create eco systems where one feels safe to open up about mental health issues, where there is no judgement or stigma of going through an emotional turmoil, where voices are heard and where inclusiveness is not just a false notion but a reality.
AryaGlobal Group of schools, headed by Dr Neelam and Bharat Malik, regularly takes such initiatives to promote the overall wellbeing around it.