Arya Gurukul is proud of its multi-talented students. 

The CBSE board, Standard 10th results are out and Arya Gurukul School is thrilled to announce the names of students who have done outstandingly well in their exams.  

Ms. Vedika Chavan tops the list with 97.60%, Ms. Tanisha Temghare is a close second with 97.40% and Ms. Shriya Parekh scored 96.40%. The teachers who have taught them and other students who have scored well are happiest knowing that their guidance and teaching has brought fruit and that their students have scored so well in the boards.   

However, what shouldn’t be overlooked is the fact that each of the above students have not only fared well in their exams but also have been performing consistently and outstandingly well in extra- curricular activities as well.  

For example- Ms. Vedika Chavan is the Captain of the Girl’s Football team, was the head girl for the year 2018-2019. She is a district winner in DSO-zonal level in Chess and won a 2nd prize in Nrityanjali, an interschool dance competition. She has also performed well in maths and science Olympiads.  

Ms. Tanisha Temghare has been an active member of Project humanitarian, a student engagement program at Arya Gurukul which is aimed towards self – discovery. She is a good singer and has participated in Anuvrut National Level competition. She has also won the first prize in Interunit Debate competition.  

Ms. Shriya Parekh represented Arya Gurukul in Rifle Shooting at various levels and has brought back many awards and accolades such as the CBSE Nationals Silver medal, CBSE State Gold medal, SGFI Nationals Bronze medal. She is selected for Nationals by NRAI (National Rifle Association of India) and won 3 Gold medals in 3 categories at the state level Prabhakar Desai competition 2017. Besides rifle shooting, she has outshone in other areas too such as and has given Homi Baba young scientist exam for Std 6th and Std 9th got cleared for next level.  

Arya Gurukul is one such institute which truly caters to the all-round development of its students. Programs such as Project Humanitarian and other workshops help our students understand their strengths and weaknesses. Our school infrastructures and planned activities throughout the year help our students tap into their passions and pursue them with a proper backing. Whereas, we as a learning institution make sure that our students receive proper recognition and representation in their area of expertise.  

Students such as Vedika, Tanisha and Shriya are examples of how the youth of today can do wonders when given proper guidance and support.