Sports- Paving the path to Happy Child, Happy Nation

Sports has been an inseparable part of education since time immemorial. The importance of sports and its effect on the overall wellbeing of a child has been given more and more importance in today’s times. Schools aim to provide holistic education to its students. And students also have realised the importance of spending time in quality activities and hobbies.  

Why Sports is important for students? 

The CBSE board has made Sports a mandatory part of school education. 

Any kind of sport, be it indoor or outdoor, requires discipline and concentration. Both these qualities are important in academics and in every facet of life. To be successful, one needs to be determined, be a go- getter, fight against the odds and be a quick decision maker. All these traits are sharpened, directly or indirectly, while playing a sport.  

The increasing stress levels in students makes it a necessity to indulge in activities that help calm one down. Sports helps to release frustration and channelize energy. People have also reported of getting new ideas which they have been struggling to get, while indulging in a physical activity. 

It is a no- brainer that Sports helps to burn calories and keep one fit. The increasing cases of childhood obesity today can be tackled if all our children engage in some sport. Playing a sport also regulates hormones. This is why one feels a rush of energy while playing a game of football or tennis. 

But what about students who do not like to play sports? 

Most of the times children who claim that they do not ‘like’ to play sports are the ones who have probably faced some negative experience while playing or have negative body images. It is important to make such students feel that they will not be judged.  

Every child will have his or her own liking. A Child may not be interested in football or tennis but may find Gymnastics or Rifle Shooting interesting. The school should allow its students to explore and decide.  

Sports and Arya Gurukul School 

This year, the first three rankers for the CBSE 10th Std exams from Arya Gurukul School, Ambernath were three girls who did outstandingly well in their academics. Each one scored between 94-97%. But, what was notable was that each of them were equally active in sports. They participated in sports like Football, Badminton and even Rifle Shooting. Each of them represented Arya Gurukul, the top CBSE school in Kalyan and Ambernath, in many competitions at interschool as well as National levels. They have brought back many awards and accolades for the school.  

These students state that it was their school that encouraged them to pursue the sports that they like and helped them balance sports and academics.  

Arya Gurukul’s new campus in Ambernath, Nisarg Greens is equipped with the best sports facilities in the Badlapur- Dombivali belt. Sports such as Football, Hockey, Table Tennis, Badminton, Rifle Shooting, Volley Ball, Cricket, Gymnastics, Skating, Fencing, Taekwondo, Chess, Carrom are currently being played in the school premises. This academic year will see the introduction of Lawn Tennis, Basketball and Kabaddi as well.  

This will definitely help students get excited about sports and pick the sport which they like.