International yoga Day

International yoga Day is celebrated across the world on 21st June every year. On this day several camps and workshops increase awareness about the many benefits of Yoga.

Yoga is one of the oldest and time- tested methods of bringing about good health and well- being. It balances the mind and the body and brings about harmony. Yoga includes a series of asanas or postures which improve posture, regulate our hormones and build muscle strength. Our Indian sages propagated it since time immemorial. Today the world has recognized Yoga as a popular form of exercise to help relax and bring about a sense of wellbeing among people.

Background of International Yoga Day-

The roots of this significant day goes back to the year 2001 at the Portuguese Yoga Confederation and the Yoga Samkhya Institute, when the submission of proposal for a World Yoga Day took place. The first World Yoga Day took place on 21st June 2002.

Today, Yoga- enthusiasts across the world celebrate this day by performing Yoga asanas in open spaces. Holding competitions such as highest number of Surya Namskars or Pranayams. Some Yoga experts hold talks and spread awareness about the benefits and good practices while performing Yoga. This creates a spirit of oneness and enthusiasm about this age old method of exercise which forms an integral part of our culture and tradition.

Our respectable Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi also advocates the practice of Yoga in his speeches and talks and religiously performs Yoga every day. He claims that this is what gives him his unending energy and clarity of thought.

Benefits of Yoga for Children-

Arya Gurukul values the benefits of Yoga. We teach our children basic Yoga poses and breathing techniques. Students do this on a regular basis and regularly so that it becomes ingrained in the habits of our children. Our students are encouraged to continue the practice of Yoga even at home. Some of our students are so good at it that they propound the same to other members of their family. This makes us very proud and happy.

Children benefit immensely through Yoga. It improves concentration, flexibility, stamina, strength and makes them more aware about their bodies and their surroundings. It also helps them in attaining a healthy mind by making them calm and relaxed.

Studies have shown that children with attention issues, autism or other behaviour problems and learning disabilities have benefitted a lot through Yoga.

Celebrating International Yoga Day at Arya Gurukul-

Our Children celebrate International Yoga day whereby we devote extra time of the Day to perform Yoga. Yoga experts give talks on the importance of Yoga. Students perform yoga Asanas in unison creating a feel of complete harmony and togetherness.

School is a platform where children can not only learn good habits that can help them achieve a sound mind and body, but also a place where they are exposed to our rich culture. Yoga is one such medium to help children feel pride in the knowledge and science behind what our

ancestors propagated. Arya Gurkul also gives a platform for well- deserving students to express themselves and display their learnings. This helps to motivate others to bring out the best in them.

Even occasions such as International Yoga Day provide such opportunities to children where they can put their best foot forward and strive to achieve the best of one’s abilities.